Sandwell Lib Dems 🔸

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Parmjit Singh Gill for West Bromwich

by Sandwell LibDems on 19 June, 2024

Sandwell Liberal Democrats have selected former MP Parmjit Singh Gill to run as their Parliamentary candidate for West Bromwich in the General Election. 

In 2004, Parmjit beat Labour in the historic Leicester South by-election, becoming the Lib Dems’ first Member of Parliament of colour. The by-election was considered a referendum on Labour’s illegal war in Iraq, which was opposed by the Lib Dems, a position that has since been vindicated.

Parmjit says:

“We were right on Iraq and we were right to demand an immediate permanent ceasefire in Gaza in October 2023.  Since then, approximately 35,000 people have been killed and as many as 100,000 seriously injured under the most appalling humanitarian conditions.

Both Labour and the Conservatives failed to support the vote for an immediate ceasefire in November 2023 which could have helped save many Palestinian lives and helped with the early release of Israeli hostages.

Westminster politics is broken and two-party politics has failed the people of Britain.  For far too long some politicians have been putting their careers ahead of the needs and views of their constituents and have been on the wrong side of what is right as borne out by numerous unacceptable public scandals including the recent Post Office scandal and the decades long Blood contamination scandal.     

Recent announcements show that both the Conservatives and Labour have turned their backs on supporting social care, further crippling our NHS.  Only the Liberal Democrats understand the importance of investing in social care, saving the NHS and supporting carer’s.

I believe the people of West Bromwich deserve better.  Little has been done to help improve their lives from a cost-of-living crisis under decades of a Labour run Sandwell Council and 14 years of a Conservative run Government.

The Liberal Democrats offer an alternative clear choice.  A hard-working MP with experience who will hold weekly surgeries; fight for the rights and interests of West Bromwich constituents ahead of party politics.”

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