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Plans to build on Wilderness Lane Green Belt land rejected!

by Sandwell LibDems on 3 August, 2024

In a surprisingly quick decision, the Planning Inspectorate has dismissed Wain’s appeal against Sandwell Council’s refusal of its plans for Peak House Farm. The speed with which the decision was reached suggests that the current protection of the Green Belt is still quite strong.

Thank you to everyone who contributed to this win

Thank you to everyone who campaigned to save Peak House Farm from plans to build houses on the land. We would like to extend particular thanks to Bob Winkle and the Beacon Action Group that lead local opposition to the plans, the residents of Peak House Road and Wilderness Lane, and others, who spoke at the Public Inquiry, along with local Councillor, Connor Horton, and newly elected MP, Sarah Coombes, who also spoke to the Inquiry.

The Council had a strong case, and despite some concerns about how they conducted their argument, the Inspector found in favour of protecting the Green Belt from inappropriate development. One of the main reasons being: “Paragraph 154 of the Framework states that a local planning authority should regard the construction of new buildings as inappropriate in the Green Belt. The proposed development would meet none of the exceptions that it also sets out.

The Inspector also highlighted the historic landscape of the site and its value as a non-designated heritage asset.

You can see the result of the Public Inquiry and all the reasons for the decision on the Appeals Casework Portal.


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