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Our Objections to industrial development on Green Belt off Chapel Lane

by Sandwell LibDems on 7 December, 2023

Photo of Chapel Lane with insets of 7.5t weight restriction and 40-t HGV.
Chapel Lane with insets of the 7.5t weight restriction and a photo of an 40-t HGV.

Sandwell Liberal Democrats have submitted the following objections to the proposal to build industrial infrastructure on the Green Belt and Great Barr Conservation Area. (We are also concerned about the effect on Sandwell’s roads.)

As Chair of a local Party in Sandwell, I object to this disingenuous proposal to build on Green Belt that is shared between Walsall and Sandwell. It misrepresents previous objections and makes misleading claims about the suitability of other sites.

Misrepresents the previous objections

• The original objections were to inappropriate development in the Green Belt and the Great Barr Conservation Area, not to a BESS in principle. Indeed other BESS applications have been approved with no objections being submitted, particularly in Sandwell.

Misleading claims about unsuitability of alternative sites

• The applicant claims that alternative sites in the area are not suitable, yet restricts itself to a 1 kilometre radius of their preferred connection point. Its own report states that a BESS is only unfeasible beyond 2km from the connection, so this 1km limit is a false one. Even the Alternative Site Assessment admits this is a preference rather than a requirement.

• The Alternative Site Assessment also claims that areas in proximity to residential areas are unsuitable, yet a plan for a BESS has been approved near Painswick Close and Woodruff Way on the Yew Tree Estate. National Grid’s battery storage substation officially launched

• When Sandwell approved the EDF BESS above, which has a lifespan of 30 years, they did so as a permanent development. The Officers report stated: “The applicant has stated that the use will be on site for 30 years, given the length of time, the proposal would be classed as permanent.”

• So the claim that a 40-year lifespan is “temporary” is also misleading.

Mark Smith
Chair, Sandwell Liberal Democrats

   1 Comment

One Response

  1. Susan McLelland McLelland says:

    I love that area and often walk there. It’s country side. My country side

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