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Conservative and Labour Councillors vote to give go ahead to development of Brandhall Green Space

by Sandwell LibDems on 31 October, 2023

Entrance to former Brandall Golf Club with protest notices against using the space for housing development

In a surprise lack of opposition from Conservative Councillors on the Planning Committee, they voted along with Labour Councillors to give the green light to development of the former Brandhall Golf Club even though one of their own Councillors was there objecting to the proposal. (Of the two Tory Councillors on the Committee in attendance, only Scott Chapman voted as David Fisher recused himself halfway through the debate.) These proposals will see a new school, and 190 houses built on the site along with a vague promise of new park. The Brandhall Village was originally being promoted as a way to establish a new park in Sandwell, but that has already been downgraded to “enhanced open space” in the planning application. We wonder what other changes they will make now that the principle of developing the site has been approved. This is why a decision should have been deferred until some of the many questions about the proposal have been answered, and why we suggested that the Brandhall Green Space Action Group consider asking the Secretary of State to Call-In the decision for review.

A long series of conditions being applied to the approval meant that a decision should have been deferred until some of the contradictions in the recommendations had been resolved. For example, AECOM claim they can achieve a net gain of 10% in biodiversity with the development, yet the Birmingham and Black Country Wildlife Trust says it will lead to a significant loss of biodiversity. This, and other contradictory elements in the reports, should have been clarified before approving the scheme. A decision should have been deferred until more detailed reports made it clear whether the application would be able to satisfy the conditions, or that it would be impossible for them to do so if they develop the site as proposed. The vast majority of respondents in the consultation felt that Areas for wildlife/nature (94%), Woodlands (92%) or Nature trails (79%) were important, so something like a Countryside Park would be more in keeping with residents wishes.

Graph showing percentage responses to AECOM consultation on what features should be included in the park.

We need Councillors in Sandwell who will act as effective opposition to our Labour-led Council. The Conservatives are proving they are not capable of this. They should be challenging the leadership and questioning how things are done, not meekly going along with recommendations.

PS – You can join the Liberal Democrats here – and continue the fight for a fairer deal for Sandwell with us.

Promoted by Sandwell Liberal Democrats, 19 Newton Road, Great Barr, Birmingham B43 6AA

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